I remember being thoroughly bewildered when President Bill Clinton was caught in his infamous dalliances with the young intern Monica Lewinsky and came close to being impeached then. Why would the leader of the free world do something so petty and sleazy right under the noses of his security detail, I thought, particularly when he had a smart and accomplished wife right there in the White House with him?!? What was he thinking, or was he thinking at all? And look at Tiger Woods' fall from grace! He had everything going for him from ranking No. 1 in his game and being on top of the world with a beautiful wife, lovely kids, and sky-high endorsements, only to lose most of it and plunge to No.13 in the sport - all because of some steamy and rough sex with an endless parade of mindless blonde bombshells and bimbos. He's yet to rehabilitate his game, name and fame, mind you!
And who could forget the Republican Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford, who suddenly dropped off the grid and could not be located by his own staff! He was famously said to be hiking the Appalachian Trail, only to have flown away to Argentina for a romantic tryst with his mistress. What a dumb thing for a sitting Governor to do! I can imagine how betrayed his wife of 20 years must have felt, after having had 4 sons with him and having stood beside him in campaign after campaign! Mark Sanford effectively ruined his political career, only to get into the Hall Of Infamy, needless to say. Other politicians who stick out like a sore thumb are John Edwards and Arnold Schwarzenegger, both of whom were callous enough to have had a secret love child stashed away somewhere. I can't begin to say which man is more abhorrent than the other here!
John Edwards had an affair with his campaign videographer and had a child with her while his wife was battling breast cancer, and that is something totally unforgivable in the eyes of any woman out there! To make matters worse, he denied he was the father of the child, and passed off one of his own assistants as the father. Now that he's close to being indicted for campaign fund violations, I have no sympathy at all for this rat of a human being! Arnold Schwarzenegger has gone one step further and kept his love child secret for 14 years, having carried on with his housekeeper, in the same house that he shared with his wife and 4 children. How despicable is that! Come to think of the treachery of it ... his beautiful wife Maria, a beloved daughter from the famous Kennedy family and an accomplished television journalist in her own right, had no clue what was going on and the horror of horrors was that both she and her maid delivered their babies just 5 days apart! Is there any redemption for this man at all?
To the womanizers and philanderers, I also have to add the rapists, those men wielding so much power that they think they're invincible and can get away with anything they do, particularly sexually assaulting the unsuspecting women they come across. Who would've thought that Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), would get his kick out of forcing himself on women! His attempt to rape a New York city hotel maid has landed him in jail, forcing him to resign from his powerful position of holding the wallet of the world. I hope to God he gets convicted for rape and spends forever in jail, just as the former Israeli President, Moshe Katsav has been, and who is languishing in jail right now! No one is above the law, and men in power have to be held accountable for their testosterone-driven stupidity, just as anyone else.
Billy Crystal once quipped: "Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place." How true! Matters become worse when men find a place and continue to behave callously, irresponsibly, and treacherously, unmindful of the consequences. They go on to prove Robin Williams' words, "God gave us a penis and a brain, but not enough blood to use both at the same time." Funny, but true, eh?!?