Saturday, November 5, 2011

On Being A Semi-invalid

How strange that when you feel really young and vivacious and so full of life at heart, your body tells you a different story! I have often heard people remark that once you hit 40, everything starts going South (read 'downhill') body wise, and I'm beginning to find out that it's true after all! When I wish friends on their birthdays, I always put health on the top of my wish list for them (it's always "health, wealth, and happiness", and yes, in that order!), and now I wish I could have the same for myself. It so happens that either by accident or by neglect, I seem to have injured both my shoulders and have been undertaking a faithful pilgrimage to the physiotherapist's for the past 5 weeks. Need I say then how that justifies the title of this post?!?

A semi-invalid, that's how I truly feel these days. It really sucks when ordinary tasks that I normally do without second thought, like slinging my bag over my shoulder, now require focus, gritting of the teeth, and measured movements so as not to aggravate my injury any further. Pulling my pillow to a comfortable position, scratching my back, dressing myself, brushing my hair, reaching out sideways for something (the phone on the night stand, for example), stretching out when I'm tired, writing on the board and erasing it, pretty much any action that requires motion of the arms is now making me think twice. I am beginning to have a great understanding of and empathy for those who go through painful rehabilitation and grueling physiotherapy sessions in order to regain control of their movements, and eventually, their lives.

I am eternally thankful to my physiotherapist who works magic with her fingers in alleviating my pain, and is slowly taking me on the road to a better place where I can manage the pain and keep it under control, if not get rid of it altogether. The same goes for the husband who has been thoughtful enough to take on the cleaning chores at home, and kind enough to massage my arms for relief, and the kid who is mature enough not to make thoughtless demands about what he has to eat, and goes so far as to carry my bags and be helpful whenever he can. I hope this situation is just a temporary blip, and that I get back to being my usual vivacious, pain-free self as soon as possible. Am counting my blessings, so to speak, that at least I'm only a semi-invalid for now, and nothing more! PHEW!!!

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