Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fallen Resolutions

Every now and then, and not just on New Year's day, I make up a list of resolutions that never get carried through and inevitably bite the dust almost always. Then why on earth do I make them in the first place is something I always ask myself. Sometimes I start off quite enthusiastically, but then after a couple of weeks, the eagerness fades, the spirit weakens, the energy level sags, and the resolution falls by the wayside or dies a miserable death. I then kick myself for being such a wimp in not having the strength of character to see it through. Does that teach me anything? No! I go back again to making another resolution, allow it to fizzle into nothingness, and the cycle goes on! SIGH!

Exercising on a regular basis is the foremost of my resolutions that I can never carry through. Though I keep telling myself that age is only a number, that I will embrace the aging process quite happily, there is that secret urge within me to stay fit and trim and flaunt an appearance that belies my age. I mean, who doesn't?!? I must admit though that the NordicTrack in my bedroom sees action only in fits and starts, and I sometimes think it is calling out to me pathetically for some action that validates its existence. There is always some excuse or the other not to heed that plaintive call - there is no time, I have a zillion things to do, I have a cold, it's too hot today, etc., etc.

Eating healthy is another one that bites the dust. I resolve to stay away from junk food, but then again, who can resist pizza loaded with cheese and umpteen toppings?!? I resolve to turn vegetarian sometimes, but the smell of fried fish always wins me over (seafood being my all-time favourite!), and I simply do not have the will power to resist it. The same can be said for detoxing, drinking plenty of water, avoiding white rice and eating the brown one instead, cooking fresh everyday, reading a book every week, and the list goes on and on. The only thing I seem to have adhered faithfully to is writing five blog posts every month. And if that resolution fails as well, then I am beyond redemption, I suppose!!!

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