Saturday, September 26, 2009

I've Got The Blues!!!

For very many reasons, I've got the blues. It's just one of those days when your woes weigh heavily on you, you feel life's unfair, and everything sucks! Know the feeling? Well, I'm in one of those moods right now. I'm wallowing in self-pity and feeling humongously sorry for myself. I know the feeling will pass, as it has often before, but as long as it lasts, it's the pits, for sure. And the rounds of sore throat, cough, nasal congestion and feverish feeling going around the house haven't helped one bit. Throw in fears of the swine flu and having to play nursemaid round the clock!

My Mom always told me to count my blessings, and I do too, except at moments like these. I feel the universe has been grossly unfair to me and that I've had to struggle for anything and everything I've ever wanted. Why is it that some people get everything handed to them on a platter, while the rest of us mere mortals have to struggle for the smallest of things?!? Why is life itself an existential angst for some of us, while for others it's a merry breeze? Why do the universe's miseries have to be heaped only on some of our sordid heads while others just get away with them ? Have I been a bad person who's being chastised for my erring ways or is it my karma returning to bite me on the butt for some misdemeanor in a parallel universe? God knows! All I know is that I've got the blues.

For some strange reason, or maybe not very strange for that matter at all, Keats' famous opening to his
Ode to a Nightingale has been popping into my head, and I've been reciting the lines incessantly since yesterday:
"My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: ..."
There you go, that's exactly how I feel now. Maybe there's a better tomorrow around the corner. Let me wait and see!

1 comment:

  1. This is my friend Gayane's email response:

    Hi Olivia,

    This one definitely resonates with my mood! I've been feeling blue and moody and depressed - call it whatever you want.
    In fact I thought life is so unfair that I wanted to quarrel with everyone including God himself. I kept cooking, cleaning and meantime creating dialogues in my head where I finally tell everyone what I really think of them. Pretty stupid, I know, but amazingly helps to calm down and carry on with the day.

    I am afraid we won't be able to talk tomorrow. It's your lab day, isn't it?

    Come on, cheer up!

    See you on Tuesday.
